Una increíble cría de elefante aparece en un parque nacional de África

Una increíble cría de elefante aparece en un parque nacional de África

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Una increíble cría de elefante aparece en un parque nacional de  África banner
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Se cree que por cada 10.000 mamíferos que nazcan en la tierra uno será albino. El albinismo en los animales es una anomalía extremadamente rara, por lo que en la mayoría de los casos, el animal es cuidadosamente estudiado y analizado. Pero aún así siguen habiendo animales que pasan desapercibidos bajo la protección de su rebaño y de su entorno.

A continuación compartiremos contigo las imágenes que tomó Nicki Coertze, un fotógrafo que estando de safari por África pudo captar algo espectacular. Tuvo la suerte de ver a una adorable cría de elefante rosa, sí, como lo oyes, ¡rosa! Algo que solo se ve una vez en la vida.

Muchos animales albinos tienen que esforzarse para sobrevivir y que el resto de su manada los acepten. Ojalá este pequeño bebé elefante reciba la atención y el amor que merece.

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¡No esperes más y conoce más acerca de este encantador elefantito!

PIC BY NICKI COERTZE/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The adorable baby pink elephant with its herd.) - When you first glance at this photo youd be forgiven for thinking your eyes were playing tricks on you but no, this really is a PINK ELEPHANT! With his bright pink ears flapping in the wind, the tiny calf was spotted drinking from a river with its mother at Kruger National Park. The pink calf is believed to be an albino, an extremely rare phenomenon amongst African elephants. The rare sighting was made by tourist Nicki Coertze, 58, while on safari with his family in Shingwedzi.- SEE CATERS COPY

Nicki Coertze/Caters News

Nicki Coertze de 48 años, estaba en un safari por África cuando captó algo  espectacular.

Un día durante sus vacaciones, él y su familia avistaron a una gran manada de elefantes africanos, y justo allí estaba el extraordinario bebé rosa, bebiendo agua del río junto a su mamá.

PIC BY NICKI COERTZE/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The adorable baby pink elephant with its herd.) - When you first glance at this photo youd be forgiven for thinking your eyes were playing tricks on you but no, this really is a PINK ELEPHANT! With his bright pink ears flapping in the wind, the tiny calf was spotted drinking from a river with its mother at Kruger National Park. The pink calf is believed to be an albino, an extremely rare phenomenon amongst African elephants. The rare sighting was made by tourist Nicki Coertze, 58, while on safari with his family in Shingwedzi.- SEE CATERS COPY

Nicki Coertze/Caters News

El pequeño elefante era albino, algo increíblemente raro entre los elefantes africanos. Tal y como les sucede a los humanos albinos, la mayoría de los animales albinos carecen de pigmento en la piel, en el pelo, las escamas y las plumas. Aunque a diferencia de los humanos, entre los animales se considera algo hereditario.

PIC BY NICKI COERTZE/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The adorable baby pink elephant with its herd.) - When you first glance at this photo youd be forgiven for thinking your eyes were playing tricks on you but no, this really is a PINK ELEPHANT! With his bright pink ears flapping in the wind, the tiny calf was spotted drinking from a river with its mother at Kruger National Park. The pink calf is believed to be an albino, an extremely rare phenomenon amongst African elephants. The rare sighting was made by tourist Nicki Coertze, 58, while on safari with his family in Shingwedzi.- SEE CATERS COPY

Nicki Coertze/Caters News

Solo mirando a la cría de elefante puede ser difícil imaginar cómo le va a afectar su condición en su vida  y en su bienestar. Tendrá que enfrentarse a muchísimos riesgos, especialmente durante sus primeros años de vida.

Afortunadamente, el pequeño elefante crecerá en relativa seguridad dentro del Parque Nacional donde nació. Allí se le protegerá de los cazadores furtivos, quienes son realmente su mayor amenaza.

PIC BY NICKI COERTZE/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The adorable baby pink elephant with its herd.) - When you first glance at this photo youd be forgiven for thinking your eyes were playing tricks on you but no, this really is a PINK ELEPHANT! With his bright pink ears flapping in the wind, the tiny calf was spotted drinking from a river with its mother at Kruger National Park. The pink calf is believed to be an albino, an extremely rare phenomenon amongst African elephants. The rare sighting was made by tourist Nicki Coertze, 58, while on safari with his family in Shingwedzi.- SEE CATERS COPY

Nicki Coertze/Caters News

Con el tiempo, la exposición excesiva del sol  probablemente dañará la piel de la cría de elefante, y al igual que ocurre con otros animales albinos (incluyendo los humanos), puede que sufra ceguera en algún momento de su vida.

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PIC BY NICKI COERTZE/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The adorable baby pink elephant with its herd.) - When you first glance at this photo youd be forgiven for thinking your eyes were playing tricks on you but no, this really is a PINK ELEPHANT! With his bright pink ears flapping in the wind, the tiny calf was spotted drinking from a river with its mother at Kruger National Park. The pink calf is believed to be an albino, an extremely rare phenomenon amongst African elephants. The rare sighting was made by tourist Nicki Coertze, 58, while on safari with his family in Shingwedzi.- SEE CATERS COPY

Nicki Coertze/Caters News

A pesar de sus muchas dificultades, el bebé elefante estaba muy feliz retozando entre sus familiares.

"Tomé algunas imágenes preciosas de aquel elefante rosa. En algunas de las fotografías parece que el elefante se encuentra enmarcado por las patas de su mamá, es muy fácil notar el contraste entre su preciosa piel rosada y la de los demás."

PIC BY NICKI COERTZE/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The adorable baby pink elephant with its herd.) - When you first glance at this photo youd be forgiven for thinking your eyes were playing tricks on you but no, this really is a PINK ELEPHANT! With his bright pink ears flapping in the wind, the tiny calf was spotted drinking from a river with its mother at Kruger National Park. The pink calf is believed to be an albino, an extremely rare phenomenon amongst African elephants. The rare sighting was made by tourist Nicki Coertze, 58, while on safari with his family in Shingwedzi.- SEE CATERS COPY

Nicki Coertze/Caters News

Coertze comentó que había visitado el parque nacional durante décadas, prácticamente desde que era un crío, y que en ninguno de esos años vio un elefante albino.

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"Se que esto es algo que pasa una vez en la vida."

PIC BY NICKI COERTZE/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The adorable baby pink elephant with its herd.) - When you first glance at this photo youd be forgiven for thinking your eyes were playing tricks on you but no, this really is a PINK ELEPHANT! With his bright pink ears flapping in the wind, the tiny calf was spotted drinking from a river with its mother at Kruger National Park. The pink calf is believed to be an albino, an extremely rare phenomenon amongst African elephants. The rare sighting was made by tourist Nicki Coertze, 58, while on safari with his family in Shingwedzi.- SEE CATERS COPY

Nicki Coertze/Caters News

En la mayoría de especies animales, los albinos pueden parecer bastante diferentes del resto de su grupo, algo extraño o poco natural. Como resultado, muchos animales albinos son rechazados por su propia especie.

Por suerte, parece que este pequeño bebé elefante disfruta del cariño y protección de su rebaño.

PIC BY NICKI COERTZE/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The adorable baby pink elephant with its herd.) - When you first glance at this photo youd be forgiven for thinking your eyes were playing tricks on you but no, this really is a PINK ELEPHANT! With his bright pink ears flapping in the wind, the tiny calf was spotted drinking from a river with its mother at Kruger National Park. The pink calf is believed to be an albino, an extremely rare phenomenon amongst African elephants. The rare sighting was made by tourist Nicki Coertze, 58, while on safari with his family in Shingwedzi.- SEE CATERS COPY

Nicki Coertze/Caters News

Ojalá que este precioso bebé pueda crecer sano y de forma pacifica toda su vida.

¡Compátelo con todos tus amigos si crees que este bebé elefante es toda una preciosidad!

Fuente: Littlethings

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